Step 1

Set up a livestream at your favorite streaming service.

First of all, you have to set up a new livestream at your favorite streaming service.

Okay, just thought I’d mention it.
You can come back to this step and continue with step 2.

Step 2

Create your event on our platform.

Now create your event at, defining all the basic information required.

From now on, your unique langing page URL is reserved for you.

Step 3

Design your landing page & insert the embed code.

In this step you can customize the landing page of the event.

Lastly, include the streaming provider’s embed code that you will be using to stream the event.

The cool thing is you don‘t have to change anything in your normal workflow. Just use the tools and services you already use:
Vimeo, Wowza, YouTube, Slido, Google Forms, …

Step 4

Here comes the final step: share your link with your customers, employees or whomever you like.

They will be, for sure, be impressed by your functional and professional looking landing page ;-)

See Demo Page